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1. Why does Unblocktalent.com use cookies?

  • To ensure the website works properly and you have an optimized user experience
  • To find out the number of people visiting our website and which pages they view
  • To make it possible to integrate social media on the website


2. What is a cookie?

A cookie is information sent along with the pages of a website and stored on your hard disk so that it can remember something about you at a later time. More technically, it is information for future use that is stored by the server on the client side of a client/server communication. Typically, a cookie records your preferences when using a particular site.


3. What cookies do we use?

  • Use of permanent cookies: we can use permanent cookies to recognize you if you visit our website again. This means the website can be configured to your preferences. When we asked for your consent to use cookies we also captured that using a cookie, so we do not need to ask that question again each time you visit our website. You can delete permanent cookies in your browser settings.
  • Use of session cookies: using session cookies allows us to see which sections of the websites you have viewed during this visit. This allows us to adapt our services to the surfing behavior of visitors as closely as possible. These cookies are automatically deleted as soon as you close your browser.


4.  Right to view, correct, or delete your data

You have the right to request to view, correct, or delete your data. To prevent misuse, we may ask you to prove your identity adequately. If your request involves consulting personal data linked to a cookie, you must send a copy of the cookie in question. You can find this cookie in your browser settings. You can submit your request to hello@unblocktalent.com.


5. Enabling, disabling, and deleting cookies

You can find more information about enabling, disabling, and deleting cookies in your browser’s instructions and/or using your browser’s help function.


Our first and current Cookie policy was released on 28 May 2020.

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