Are you curious to find out what blockchain is all about? And how blockchain contributes to a more sustainable decentral world? We are here to provide answers and help you get started in the fascinating world of blockchain. Unblocktalent provides excellent blockchain training. We help you become a blockchain professional in no time. You can participate in and add value to blockchain projects quickly based on our on-demand, high-quality, up-to-date, module-based learning.
Quite some people think Bitcoin and blockchain are the same, but they are not. Bitcoin is just the first blockchain application. Bitcoin allows people to transfer money from one person to another. The big breakthrough here is that you don’t need a bank to support these transactions. So, to transfer money, you don’t need a central institution anymore. Instead, to secure transactions, Bitcoin owners rely on the decentralized Bitcoin blockchain network.
Decentralization is a crucial concept of blockchain. Immutability is another one. Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, you can’t change it anymore. Never again. By design. Let’s explain what value this brings for a business. These days people care:
• about the conditions for the workers who dig up diamonds. Everledger has improved worker’s conditions by providing transparency on the diamond supply chain.
• whether the milk they drink comes from farmers that treat their cows well. Carrefour has implemented a solution based on blockchain technology.
• to understand the origin of the oranges in their orange juice. Albert Heijn ran a trial showing exactly this based on a QR code on their bottles
• about the origin of the leather in their car. Porsche provides transparency to their customers using a blockchain solution.
These examples show the relationship between a brand’s reputation and supply chain traceability. Companies can improve their brand reputation by sharing the origin of their products and the conditions of their creation. The value of immutability in this context is that it adds trust. Companies can’t tamper with the data because also fraudulent information is stored on the blockchain and can’t be changed. Sooner or later, people will find out, incentivizing companies to be honest, and transparent.
The possibilities of decentralization are endless. Bitcoin was the first use case in the finance sector, and many examples have followed since. By now, an entire industry has grown called DEFI (Decentralized Finance). And decentralization is also looking for new industries to conquer. Facebook is an example of a centralized Social Media firm. They own the data of their users, based on which they create services that deliver a profit. For them. Not for the users. BitClout wants to reverse this and put the power back in charge of the users (they call them Creators). BitClout got launched in March 2021. It will be worthwhile to follow how this initiative on decentralized Social Media will play out. And if you’re interested in BitClout. Did you know that Unblocktalent created the world’s first BitClout glossary?
Ready for some more applications? How do you feel about:
• Securing a COVID-vaccination passport; that will return some of your privileges sooner.
• A fraudulent-proof certificate system; that enhances your market value.
• Timestamping documents; allowing researchers to prove they were the first to do an invention.
• Putting you in charge of your personal data, rather than (foreign) companies owning them.
Blockchain empowers all of the above. And many more applications are to come.
Unblocktalent understands the immense value of decentralization. And we trust the predictions on the value growth of the blockchain market. We know that that also means that a lot of human talent is required to help deliver value. And that’s where we want to play a role. So we phrased Unblocktalent’s mission as follows: “We educate global talent on blockchain so that they can deliver world-class value to a decentralized world.”
We can’t change the world ourselves. We support and enable you to do so.
Let’s be honest. Unblocktalent is still a start-up today (April 2021), but we are very motivated to create more excellent blockchain content for you. We are working on:
• developing training materials for professionals, business managers, crypto fans, entrepreneurs, investors, and so on.
• building new features on our site to deliver you an excellent customer experience.
• many more roadmap items such as certificates, webinars, and offline training.
We welcome and reward early adopters. Get our lifetime subscription and enjoy all the perks for years to come without having to pay extra. We invite you to join us at Together we can make the world a better and decentralized place.
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